Japanese Assessment for Learning Network
Canada recently established the “Canadian Assessment for Learning Network (CAfLN)”. As global educational institutions seek to go beyond and transcend the limits of their current systems, so must Japan continue the foundational and pioneering work of Masataro Sawayangi by drawing a deep breath from its rich cultural heritage before taking the plunge into the future by establishing the “Japanese Assessment for Learning Network (JAfLN)”.
more...- 2021.04.09WHO COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease サイトに、下記論文がアップされました。
- 2021.04.01アセスメントを軸に社会文化理論から学習する個と集団と組織の往還を可視化する【科研費 基盤研究(B)】(2021年度~2025年度)採択されました。
- 2021.04.0121世紀型スキル2.0として,発信すべく業務委託し研究協力いただくクラウドソーシングを現在企画中(2021年5月1日に延期☜4月1日予定)
- 2021.01.26The possibilities of 21st century skills 2.0 by systems thinking toward new pedagogy (Submitted ).
- 2020.05.05“Education for Sustainable Development and the ‘Whole-Person’ Curriculum in Japan.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
The proposal of establishing JAfLN has been accessed
by more than 70 countries according to academia site until 2015..